
Project developed in C++ to generate photorealistic images using ray tracing. A ray is cast from the camera, calculating its bounces to simulate reflections, refractions, and shadows.
CUDA was used to optimize performance through GPU parallelization, enabling the efficient handling of complex scenes.
Tools used: CMake for build management, Google Testing and LCov for code testing, and Git for version control.


The web application developed for Unificado is designed to streamline the management and tracking of product prices in supermarkets and restaurants. It allows users to access and store data related to their purchase costs while providing visual and comparative insights into the prices paid. With this tool, users can efficiently identify better suppliers to optimize expenses and improve profitability.
The application’s core functionality lies in its ability to analyze and present key data in a clear and intuitive way. This includes the ability to record new prices, update existing information, and generate dynamic reports that assist in making informed purchasing and sourcing decisions.
Tools used: React and Tailwind CSS for the frontend, TypeScript as the programming language, an API for database communication in the backend, SQL for the database, and a seamless integration of front-end and back-end systems for the overall architecture.


Coming soon...
Ant Simulation
Simulation of an ant colony in Python, combining AI with OpenGL for extreme performance. Up to 1,000,000 active elements on screen.